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Goals of the Project.

Goals of ÇATOM Project:

GAP Administration take Southeastern Anatolia Project as a regional sustainable human development project and puts human development into focus. In this context, GAP’s goal is not only economic growth, but also to improve the quality of human life. To achieve this objective, it is required to see GAP as a social transformation project and provide a community participation while performing this transformation and adhering to the principles of equality and fairness in development and human resources development. With this perspective, a number of social projects by the GAP Administration are developed and implemented. The objectives of the ÇATOM Project are as follows:

• Empowering women to contribute to the provision of equal opportunities,
• Ensuring that women participate in the public sphere to increase the level of benefiting from public services,
• Starting the gender balanced development and developing replicable models relevant to local circumstances for participatory community development.


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