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The Objective of the Project.

The Objective of the Project

ÇATOMs are community based and participatory centres established at the neighbourhoods of cities mostly inhabited by rural migrants, district centres and centrally located villages. In neighbourhoods where ÇATOMs take place, people work for mostly very low wages/income, in marginal areas and in unregistered, temporary or seasonal jobs while children are employed in order to contribute to the household income. The researches conducted so far show that women and children are adversely affected by poverty. The improvement of the social and economic position of women is directly reflected in household welfare. Therefore, reformative projects of women’s status are a necessity in terms of human rights and important to increase social welfare.

The objective of ÇATOMs is to become aware of women’s issues, identify solutions and create an opportunity to use initiative; to ensure greater participation of women in the public sphere and benefit more from public services; to increase women’s employment and entrepreneurship; to empower women to contribute to the provision of equal opportunities/to start the process of gender balanced development and in this way, to develop replicable model/models based on participatory community development according to local conditions. The basic principle observed in ÇATOMs is not to tell women what to do but demonstrating what can be done under different circumstances. The ones who will make the choice among several alternatives or create new options are women.


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